Mucormycosis- Diabetes- What can you do about it?
Whole world is facing this pandemic & all are working hard to
overcome it. India has successfully faced first wave of corona but,
we are yet to recover from this second- more devastating wave
of corona virus. And now, Mucormycosis– a type of fungal infection
is in the news headlines now a days.
Mucormycosis is an infection caused due to fungus called
Mucormycetes. This is a very common fungus, but rarely creates
infection in human beings. Let us understand that even though
rare, why is it affecting in covid and post covid patients?
There are 2 factors which are playing very crucial role in
Mucor-mycosis infection in most of the patients:
Steroid used in the treatment of covid-19
- This is not in your hand as that is a crucial
decision for your life that has to be taken by
your treating doctor.
- Whatever has happened has happened. You
should not take stress about it as it would
aggravate the second factor.
Uncontrolled diabetes:
- Uncontrolled diabetes is the factor that you can not
afford to neglect. Diabetes is a chronic disease but you
can control it very well.
Lets see-
What can you do to keep your diabetes under control?
# know your numbers:
- Keep a regular check of your sugar level
under the treatment of your physician. This will
help you to control your diabetes and to prevent
further complications. Monitoring your blood sugar level
also help you to check whether your treatment is
working or not. Even it will help you to see which factors
are responsible for changes in your blood sugar level.
# keep calm
- Staying away from stress is very important as stress is a
major risk factors for your diseases. And remaining stress free
will help you to recover fast. To remain stress free, you need to
practice pranayama & meditation regularly.
- Click here to receive your copy of free DVD. From that DVD,
do whatever exercise you can, as per your situation.
# choose your food wisely
- Your food plays very important part in controlling
your diabetes.
- What food you should eat? at what time you should eat?
What quantity of food and how frequently you eat? – All these factors are
very important to control your diabetes.
- And, it is even more crucial for you as your diabetes can
shoot up very fast during your post- covid recovery.
For a speedy recovery, your body needs nutritious, balanced food. Consult
a qualified dietitian and she will help you become healthy once again
with nutritious, mouth-watering healthy recipes!
That all for today
See you next Tuesday
With another Tuesday tip
Till then take care
Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life
Dr Bhumita Makwana
Your Dietitian and Homoeopathic Physician