How to ‘Prepare Yourself’ for post Covid-19 world?: A 5-point action plan
We will first start our discussion with ‘the truth’ and then we will discuss about ‘5-point action plan to prepare yourself for post Covid-19 world’.
The Truth:
Today we will discuss about something that unfortunately (almost) nobody is talking.
Even in most affected countries with Covid-19 like USA, Italy and Spain, less than 20% of the total infected people actually need to be hospitalized for the complications.
What does that mean?
That means that more than 80% of the people infected with the Covid-19 virus do not need to be hospitalized.
Thus, in other words, 80% of the people are able to handle Covid-19 virus with the help of their own innate immunity.
This is a big truth- the absolute truth that you must keep in mind.
At present, it must be your utmost priority to keep yourself in this 80% of the people – to be able to handle Covid-19 naturally!
Now, let us discuss what 5 types of actions will bring absolute positivity in your life & can protect you from Covid-19.
According to Stephen Covey, the author of ‘7 habits of highly effective people’, there are two types of important activities we can perform. They are:
- Important Urgent &
- Important Non-urgent
And, he says, that all the successful people around the world, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity or religious beliefs, always give priority to perform ‘Important Non-urgent activities’.
So, what should be your Important Non-urgent goal and activities at present?
Your Important Non-urgent goal should be to keep yourself among those 80% of people who are able to keep the virus under control.
And what about the Important Non-urgent activities?
A 5-point action plan that you must implement from today itself to prepare yourself for post Covid-19 world:
#1: Take good night’s sleep for 7 to 8 hours every day.
I have already talked about this point in my previous tip titled: ‘How to have a sound sleep during this lockdown?’
Remember, it is not only important for you to take 8 hours of sleep. Ideally, you should take 8 hours of ‘Night sleep’.
Why do I insist on ‘Night sleep’?
Owls are naturally designed to wake up at night and sleep at day time.
However, because you are able to read this, obviously, you are a human being and not an owl.
We human beings are naturally designed to sleep at night and wake up at the day time.
You can do the opposite, but it is scientifically proven that it would interfere in the optimum functioning of your inner rhythms of digestion, hormones etc.
#2: Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes:
You are a learned person.
You are aware of the benefits of exercise.
Just do it!
And, if because of lockdown, you are not able to go to your gym, don’t worry. Before a few years, we had prepared a compilation of some simple, easy to do exercises that you can do at your home. You don’t need to invest even a single paisa! That compilation is available for Free in the form of DVD on our website. Click here to get your Free copy of DVD now & start using it.
If you have already got your DVD, do send us your review- are you using it regularly? What benefits have you got so far?
As an other possibility, if you have received the DVD, but not yet started using it, take this as a wake-up alarm & start using it!
#3: Meditate:
What exercise does to your body, meditation does to your mind & soul. Spare at least 20 to 30 minutes every day.
There are hundreds of different methods for meditation. Keep exploring various methods until you finally find the one that is most suitable to you. Then, keep doing it for the rest of your life.
#4: Spread Positivity:
There is a difference in between keeping yourself informed & (unknowingly) getting indulged in to the negativity and fear in this global epidemic of Covid-19.
Stop watching news channels all day long & stop repeatedly clicking on that app in your smart phone which shows you the most updated status of total infected and total deaths.
You can check the app just once a day & watch the news just twice a day that too only for 5 to 10 minutes.
Within 5 to 10 minutes you ‘get the idea of what is happening around you’. Any watch beyond that is ‘pure indulgence in negativity’.
Don’t do that!
In spite of Covid-19, still there are many things happening around us that are positive.
Try to look for them.
-Recognize them to be positive
-Be grateful for that positivity, &
-Use the power of social media to spread that positivity among your near & dear ones.
Try to spread at least one positivity like this in a day.
#5: Nourish Yourself!
During my more than a decade of experience as a consultant dietitian, I have heard many excuses for not taking proper diet like-
-My job timings are odd
-I have to travel too much in my profession. & because of that I can not maintain the timing and quality of my food.
-I am a working woman. I have to take care of my job as well as my home. Because of that, I can not get time to take care of my own diet.
Guess what?
In this lockdown none of these excuses stands valid.
In fact, this is a golden opportunity which you have got right now!
Do your best to take care of your nutrition. You must get all the macro nutrients like carbohydrate, protein and fat as well as the micro nutrients like vitamins and minerals. You have to take a balanced diet as per your age, health and personal preferences.
If you want to take a professional help, you do not need to wait for the end of this lockdown. We have some good news for you. We are offering online personalized diet consultation as well. Just leave us a message on 9825395427 to know how can you proceed.
To summarize,
Implement these 5 point action plan to prepare yourself for post Covid-19 world:
#1: Take good night’s sleep for 7 to 8 hours every day
#2: Exercise daily for at least 30 minutes
#3: Meditate
#4: Spread Positivity
#5: Nourish Yourself
That’s all for today.
See you next week with another Tuesday Tip.
Till then… Take care….
Providing simple solutions for the complexities of life:
Dr. Bhumita Makwana
Your Dietitian & Cosmetic Clinician
Awesome and cool.
Wonderful explanation.
Must read and follow it.
Manu Shah
Thanks for your kind word of appreciation.
Hope you will apply and get benefited 🙂